


Welcome Back to the World

I thought of this title and then immediately this song popped into my head...

First off, I've been blaming my lack of posts on all this travelling I've done. Speaking of which, allow me to give the low down on that...

April 2 I went to New Orleans to celebrate my BFF's birthday. Lots of ignorance, so it was fun.

I left there to go to Memphis for work stuff. I had fun there as well (anytime you're spending someone else's money, it's gonna be fun).

From there to Nashville to hang out with friends and pretend I was an undergrad again. While there I was (easily) talked into coming back the following weekend and that's where I was this past weekend.

I was in a HORRID mood on Sunday. Some of it was my friends being selfish, which I tweeted, but I realized later a lot of it was just me not wanting to leave. I gotta get back into the grind of work. To do that, I decided I need a new attitude. Another friend of mine said she needed one as well, so we decided to start a gratitude journal together (something we've been saying we were gonna do since sophomore year in college). Let's see how far that takes me.

My first entry was: Today I'm grateful for a job that keeps me busy, makes me think and lets me interact with people... even when those people make me suicidal and I'm grateful for a job that pays me twice a month so I can spend said money on random trips. I'm grateful that the vast majority of planes make it to and fro safely, because with as much flying as I've been doing, my odds for dying were kinda high. I'm grateful that I have really good friends to go visit on said random trips.

Glennisha had a super on point post about how Twitter is effecting bloggers. Everyone's tweeting, nobody's blogging. It took me far too long to get this out because I was too busy on Twitter. Twitter really satisfies my need for stream of consciousness expression. If I could only speak in stream of consciousness, my life would be complete.

Re-discovered this song on my iPod and it struck a chord with me, for real. Only Jesus knows why because commitment makes me shake like a crack head going through withdrawals. I'm not even playing.... enjoy!

The next part of the series should be up later tonight.


Alix said...

Ahhh, that's why you were in a bad mood....

A.Smith said...

Alix, When I was on Twitter it was right in the middle of my friends working my last good nerve, but as the day went on I realized that I had an attitude problem because I wasn't ready to go. I mean they weren't being any more different than normal, I was just being extra... LOL...

We're working this attitude adjustment...

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